Category Archives: Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Step 4

My overall experience of researching, understanding and ultimately improving my digital footprint has been an interesting one. At the beginning of this project I never really considered the gravity of what an online ‘existence’ or footprint could be. I guess I always understood the need for a website and such, but I never really considered the integral social aspects the internet now plays within the professional world (web 2.0). Ironically, now I feel as though this simple fact is obvious, which I guess in its own right is a testament to how far I’ve come.

The technical aspects of this project for me though, haven’t been as interesting. Trial and error has been my only effective way of coming to answers. I still am having troubles with getting a top result on certain search engines (google), but with others I am fine (bing, yahoo). This sort of pattern has been consistent throughout, so I guess its a matter of ebb and flow, which is fine with me. I have been noticing that every time I search myself more and more content is popping up, which leaves me in a bizarre position. I like that my presence is growing, yet I feel that this notion brings responsibility that I’m not sure I want..just yet.

All in all, this experience has been quite the eye opener, in ways I guess I never saw coming. I originally thought that this project was going to teach me the technical aspects of the internet, which it has, but I have also gained a greater understanding of how and why the internet runs the way it does.

website is up. –  n i c e.


Assignment 1: Step 3

The keyword I would (under ideal circumstances) want to be searched under would be ‘mfabijanic’. I originally registered my website with yahoo and google, which would help with the proper use of keywords to give my site a top result. Since my website has been corrupted under the notion of ‘Directory Listing Denied’,I have now been informed by these two companies that my site will not be registered within their respected directories. Hopefully when my site issues are resolved I can correct this problem with the corresponding search engines.

That being said, I plan on using my site eventually to express my professional works and desires. I plan on creating a unique, simple design layout to show my work in a organized efficient manner. I want my site to be basic in the sense of layout, so viewers can easily find any or all content that I submit to my site. I want people to easily access my pieces of work, while also easily finding my professional resume and inquiries on related topics. I use the term ‘easily’ for a very deliberate reason. If potential employers for example are inquiring about my professional career, I will want my site to be easily legible in function as well as content so that the respected viewer (irrelevant of their personal web experiences) can find all the necessary content they wish.

Assignment 1: Web 2.0 Digital Footprint (Google Search)

Creating a successful online identity seems to require some fundamental choices when one wants to be at the top of a search engines result. Our group noticed that similarities were popping up in regard to improving one’s search rate, and most sites tend to follow a basic set of rules to increase page rank.

The most common rule when creating a site seemed to focus on the importance of keywords and tags. When keywords and tags are used in a distinct fashion in the text, title, link and html headings of your website, the chances of google picking your site first is far greater. Registering and submitting your site to various search engine directories helps advertise your site, and affiliating your site with as many social networking sites as possible only increases the chances of top result. Numerous other methods can be used to boost your hit rate or result number including adding a “rss” feed to your site linking others with automatic updates. Also, adding images and related work with relevant content to the style and meaning of the site increases the chances of someone finding your page.

At the culmination of this assignment I have noticed very distinct methods in achieving a higher result rate within search engines like Google. I plan on using these methods to help my potential site/blog, and push it towards the forefront of the online world.

Assignment 1: Step 2

I have registered with various new websites, and look forward to using these tools as a means of progressing towards a professional online identity. Since my digital identity is slim to existent, it will take me some time to build up the appropriate content for potential viewers. I have listed below some links to networks I am affiliated with.

my blog , del.icio.usFacebook , Youtube , Vimeo , Second Life , Flikr

Assignment 1: Step 1

1)  Dependent on how my name is searched within the various engines that exist, a number of outcomes happen (none of which are in accordance with me specifically). When my full name (Mathew Fabijanic) is searched, another person with a similar name pops up with various postings in regard to his work. When my name is searched under my screen name (mfabijanic), a relative of mine is located and used as the preferred site. All in all, I have no true online identity. I at first was a little disappointed in my lack of influence over the internet, but I am now feeling that this situation is a good thing.

Clean slate.

2) When I think about what a present or potential teacher/employer would see when researching my name, I would hope that the aftereffect would be nothing short of professional. Since my digital identity is practically non existent, I feel that I can use this notion to my advantage. I would want these figures to easily navigate and understand my areas of knowledge and interest within my professional life, while being able to access previous works or portfolio pieces.