Tag Archives: self-evaluation

Assignment 1: Step 4

My overall experience of researching, understanding and ultimately improving my digital footprint has been an interesting one. At the beginning of this project I never really considered the gravity of what an online ‘existence’ or footprint could be. I guess I always understood the need for a website and such, but I never really considered the integral social aspects the internet now plays within the professional world (web 2.0). Ironically, now I feel as though this simple fact is obvious, which I guess in its own right is a testament to how far I’ve come.

The technical aspects of this project for me though, haven’t been as interesting. Trial and error has been my only effective way of coming to answers. I still am having troubles with getting a top result on certain search engines (google), but with others I am fine (bing, yahoo). This sort of pattern has been consistent throughout, so I guess its a matter of ebb and flow, which is fine with me. I have been noticing that every time I search myself more and more content is popping up, which leaves me in a bizarre position. I like that my presence is growing, yet I feel that this notion brings responsibility that I’m not sure I want..just yet.

All in all, this experience has been quite the eye opener, in ways I guess I never saw coming. I originally thought that this project was going to teach me the technical aspects of the internet, which it has, but I have also gained a greater understanding of how and why the internet runs the way it does.